Saturday, May 24, 2008

growth report

Things are definitely growing taller in my garden these days!  The sunflowers are crazy tall--some of 'em are taller than me.  I'm looking forward to their blooms.

A bunch of my seeds seem to have gotten rearranged when the mischievous gnomes snuck into my garden just after planting--this is my only explanation for the three sunflowers growing at the end of the row where I thought I'd planted carrots.  I haven't seen any carrots yet, either, which is a bit discouraging.  But my little yellow squash plant is making up for it by growing jumbo-size.
The flowers are getting a little crazy, too; I think it's time for a bit of pruning.  But, in the midst of all the flowers, I found that my artichoke had a treat or two waiting for me:
I planted the corn and beans together, hoping the cornstalks would become living stakes for the beans.  They are, and so are the sunflowers and the fence!
Here's the crazy sunflower patch.  My friend (little) Ryan planted them.  I think they're twice as tall as he is now.
Good fun.


Jeri said...

You make me want to start gardening again. I used to have a nice one before seminary. It looks like from the pictures the carrots haven't developed leaves. Wonder if your gnomes made off with them.

Krista S. Givens said...

looks good, molly. when i was in LA i had an artichoke plant that produced 1 artichoke - it was the most delicious thing I'd ever eaten. so good. best of luck with yours!

DogBlogger said...

Our corn and beans are just a little behind yours... but they're growing!

Anonymous said...

My prospective housemates and I are excited about growing things, too... It's yet another something to look forward to!

feminist_mom said...

hey, your garden is so green and lush! Time to plant in NE... hopefully my tomatoes go in the ground tonight after the rainy day goes away! Can you replant carrot seeds next to the ones you planted and have another row that way? you are in inspiration for my whacky garden, mom