Tuesday, July 22, 2008


There are several blog posts waiting and wanting to be written, but currently I only have energy to share the joy of some summertime harvest with you.

First, the fun of blueberry harvest in some friends' backyard in Portland, where I spent a fun day of hanging out after electing some new bishops for the UMC as a part of our Jurisdictional Conference.  Here's a friend, holding up the juicy berries we picked.  I'm still enjoying them.  
And, a part of the harvest waiting for me when I got home.  Our little neighbor, of garden reorganization fame, has taken to lurking by our gate to beg for fresh tomatoes.  Who could resist and charming 3-year-old with tomato-eating ambitions?!?
There are plenty to share.


feminist_mom said...

Your tomatoes and blueberries look great... your friend reminds me of the book BLUEBERRIES FOR SAL... and i am yearning for fruity german from russia kuchen.... might be time for my yearly batch! love, mom ps sent you some recipes!

Sharron said...

Where did you find such a cute friend?

Anonymous said...

Hiya, Molly... Your tomatoes look amazing. Don't ever eat tomatoes that have been sitting inside a cooler on a ship for three weeks: It's just not a good idea if you're a tomato lover. ;)