Saturday, August 11, 2007

garden perspective

Today, I've enjoyed looking at how things have grown 'round here. The bananas in the backyard seem CRAZY big. (At least, crazy bigGER than they were...I'm hoping they keep growing taller, so they don't hit my in the face when I walk by.)

Here's the backyard when we planted it.Here's that same little banana plant today. (The fig tree and kiwifruit are a lot bigger, too!)
(Excuse the window, leaning against the fence, that's waiting to be installed in the house...)

And here are our vegetables. That's a six-foot fence the corn is towering over. The first pumpkin looks about ready to pick.
And, my little delight for the day is how well the stephanotis is doing. It's just growing away in the backyard, filling the area with smelly delight.


Orangeblossoms said...

thank you for pretty things today.....

karen said...

That last picture took my breath away. And I can't even enjoy the aroma from here!

I continue to enjoy living vicariously through your garden.

(Jeff would like to live more than vicariously. He would be effusive if you were to share an ear of corn.)