Tuesday, April 28, 2009

making the weekend fun

I had fun being crafty this past weekend.  Folks brought some beautiful garden flowers to church on Sunday.  It was Karen's birthday, too, which gave me a lovely excuse to put them into a bouquet for her.
And, her birthday provided the push I needed to follow through with a long-planned craft adventure: reclaiming an old book by tearing its pages out and making it into a journal.
I'm still amused at the idea of a journal called "Think before you write."  ;)

I finally planted the front yard with summer crops, too, but I didn't take any pictures of that yet.  I'm growing baby corns, which has me pretty excited...


karen said...

Both beautiful gifts!

Thank you again.

I took a picture of the flowers in situ in my grandmother's Ball jar and was planning to post it and other pictures from my wonderful birthday adventures on a blog sometime this week!

Wish I had a picture of me holding that enormous Bible on my birthday in the sanctuary! Doubt that will ever happen again.

As I've continued on the freeing but drudgery-filled tasks of uncluttering my home this week, I have looked often on this lovely bouquet and remembered a great day, good friends and good church people! (I love that Grace is represented in that bouquet!)

Thank you for your craftiness.
Thank you for your ministry.
Thank you for your friendship.

feminist_mom said...

gorgeous flowers and great idea! time for a new blog and to bed!