Unable to resist a
game of tag with my friend Erika, here are my answers to questions you didn't know you wanted to ask:
Four Jobs I've Had-My first job was as a weaver for a friend of my mom's--first in her basement making denim rag rugs and handbags made out of denim rag rugs, and later at a living history museum in Nebraska where I got to live out my Little House on the Prairie fantasies.
-For a year, I was the accompanist for a children's choir at my church (back in the day)
-I worked as a summer camp counselor at Nerd Camp (they didn't really call it that) at Duke U
-Pastor (which is my present gig) at a United Methodist Church in San Diego
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over-Rubin and Ed (I know. You haven't seen it. It still makes me laugh, but I hope you won't decide if I'm cool or not by your opinion of it, should you ever find an old VHS copy and decide to watch it. It came at a formative time in my life...and I cannot resist saying many of the lines along with the movie)
-Moulin Rouge (with singing-along)
Four Places I've LivedNorth Platte, Nebraska
Niamey, Niger
San Diego
Four Places I've VacationedRocky Mountain National Park in Colorado
the Big Island of Hawaii
Zion National Park in Utah
Palm Springs, CA
Four of my favorite dishesEnchiladas Verdes (one shitake and one cheese) from Rancho's in San Diego
Bean and Cheese Burritos from any drive-thru in San Diego (a staple of my diet)
Apricot Salmon (a new dish in my attempt to eat locally-ish)
any good lasagna
Four Sites I Visit DailyCommon DreamsMySpaceUrban Dictionary (I love dictionaries of all sorts!)
Erika's blogFour Places I Would Rather Be Right Now
-in bed (with the laundry done. Is that too much to ask? Man, that sounds old and boring.)
-in the mountains (any mountains will do), preferably in a comfy lounge chair from which I can see the big moon and the stars
-on the beach, listening to the waves (again, with comfy chair)
-in a better-stretched-out position on this very couch where I presently sit
Four people I'm tagging:
MarianVanessa (it's dangerous to tell me you read this thing)
my momSharron(if I knew anyone else out there, other than my brother whose blog isn't given to such games, i'd tag them, too. ;))