Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday Five: books!

I've been pondering a way about sharing excitement over recent and upcoming reading.  Today's Friday Five from the RevGalPals seemed like the perfect excuse...

Yesterday, my friend Jen gave me a belated Christmas present.  She wanted to get me something cool, not just something.  

I'm pretty excited that she got me Banana. Now I can be smart about the bananas I'm growing in the back yard.  It's even autographed: "to Molly."

What book have you read in the last six months that has really stayed with you? Why?
I just finished Three Cups of Tea, which is our "One Book, One San Diego" book for 2008.  It was fun, thoughtful, inspirational and insightful.  It's not every book that both Matt and I find interesting enough for him to tolerate me reading aloud on a road trip, but this one got us all the way from Utah to home...

What is one of your favorite childhood books?
Hmm...  I've gotta say the Little House on the Prairie books.  They also created my most favorite "other time/place" in which to imagine life.

Do you have a favorite book of the Bible? Do tell!
Ecclesiastes, I suppose.  It's both cynical and hopeful--I say it's my favorite GenX book.

Of course, it's hard to compete with gospel stories, too.

What is one book you could read again and again?
I'm not a big re-reader, other than scripture and Dr. Seuss.  Or poetry.  
My Antonia, by Willa Cather, is probably the novel I've read most times.  But only, like, 3.  

Is there a book you would suggest for Lenten reading? What is it and why?
I've been hungry for poetry lately.  So I guess Wendell Berry's A Timbered Choir: the Sabbath poems would have to be it.  I like poetry as devotional reading--it seems like it leaves more space for mystery.  And I think you can't go wrong with Wendell Berry.

And because we all love bonus questions, if you were going to publish a book what would it be? Who would you want to write the jacket cover blurb expounding on your talent?
I always thought it'd be fun to write a preaching commentary for the "Sundays after," for newly ordained associate pastors.  We don't need (nor can we afford) the whole set.  We only preach the Sunday after Christmas, the Sunday after Easter, Forth of July, most of August...  Plus, it'd include thoughts about preaching when you're not the "regular" preacher, establishing your voice as an associate, and starting a "contemporary" worship service.  (That's what we always do, right?)  

I think it would be fun to get my dear Senior Pastor to write the blurb.  He could say something like, "Molly's swell to work with, but, to be honest, I've never really heard her preach.  After all, she just fills in when I'm on vacation.  But, I'm sure you'll love her book.  And, after seven years of being an associate, I'm sure she's figured some things out."  

(For the record, the tone of that is genuine.  I love working with my Senior Pastor.  And have always felt tremendous support from him.  Which is why this idea strikes me as so funny.)


RevHRod said...

I love your book idea. Could you also include a chapter called, "What do when someone dies and your internship supervisor is on a three week vacation." I have more students tell me about that one!

Shalom said...

That is a fantastic book idea. Go for it. :)

Law+Gospel said...

What a great book idea! The one variation for our associate pastor was- Help! the Senior Pastor got admitted to the hospital yesterday and this is my second week here, now what? No time for exegesis here! Luckily he pulled it off, the Senior recovered and all has gone well.

Queen Mum said...

Great book idea, really. When I was an associate I always thought of myself as the "once-a-month-preacher", like the once-a-month-cooking idea. I always wondered if there was a way to write sermons in bulk and freeze them for later.....

Terri said...

I too loved all of the Little House on the Prairie books...

and I totally love your book idea! Although I am a solo pastor now I was the assistant for awhile...and that is exactly the case...the Sunday After....LOL

Unknown said...

Your book idea is great, and thanks for the reminder of "My Antonia," time to get that one off the shelf and on the reading pile again!